Friday, February 25, 2011


No, I didn't go on vacation but it was almost as good! My sister and I went antiquing at Sisters' ( no pun intended)  Garden &  Bloom, just outside of Kalona.  It was like hitting the jackpot for this here photographer!At the end of all these wonfderful images you will see my treasures! For now, enjoy the window shopping! Check Sisters' Garden & Bloom out by clicking here 

Mary Ann get ready to do some shopping when you get here in May!!

Bonnie - we were digging in the screen door pile for a pantry door. You need to get to this place!

I'm not going home empty handed!!

I ♥ this soap!
If I would've had a truck and just won the lottery, I would have really came home with a full load! Instead here are a couple things I purchased.

Fascinator hat - Posh Princess by Amazing Grace

SCORE! hat box, head accessories, oh so cutie baby dress and bonnet.

Love, love, love this yellow old/new chair! My newborns are going to look so good laying in this!
Purchased at Bernies Salvage - for $15.00 - SCORE!

       Now back to some window shopping! Or should I say here's ya some eye candy! Yummo!

Lori and I are going to try and make some of these!

I think I'm going to go back and get this next week!
Bonnies potential door!

LOVE these signs and look they have lay-away!!!

1 comment:

  1. I freakin' LOVE this shop. It draws me in every time I go by there and I have several things in my home that I bought the last time I was there. I know what you mean about having won the lottery and bringing a truck. Beautiful photographs Ms. Tina! Will they be using them to post on their blog? You should offer them as long as they tagline your business name!!!
    Love ya!
