I have started "springing" up my house and soon will be planting flowers. It's time to make it a yard like I've came accustomed to, flowers galore! Hopefully next weekend it will be a little drier and I can go get some of my flowers in the ground. Then soon after that it's pool time! WOO-HOO! Pool party in Wayland! I think I will turn the backyard into a little summer retreat. Chairs, swimming pool, table with an umbrella, tiki torches, grill and friends! Ohhh, wouldn't this be nice! My pool is an above ground but you get the idea ☺
I've sat here listening to the motorcycles buzzing by today. I can't wait to take a ride, soon, it's coming!
I am excited for the weather change as well. Can't wait to get our porch all decorated with plants and chairs. We are putting in more landscaping this season as well. I appreciate the nice weather more because of the harsh winter we just had.